Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Support System

One thing Chris, Gavin, and I never have to worry about is support! We get a ton of it from family AND friends. We knew when we were trying to get pregnant with Gavin was that our family and friends would be there for us. Not just for the physical help, but emotionally as well. Having a baby changes your life and that first year is one big roller coaster ride. We wouldn't have survived without all our friends and family and for that I say, "Thank you". We love you!

I also want to thank another support system that I have relied on heavily that past year. That is my online January 2010 mommies! I was a newly pregnant lady and of course joined a ton of websites for free stuff and any advice I could find. LOL I stumbled onto the What to Expect When Expecting website and the January 2010 birth forum. I really just read others posts and didn't participate much. Then after Gavin was born I posted a few times; mostly out of frustration from Gavin's lack of napping! Then, the ladies left to start their own forum and I followed. I become much more active and have made some great connections and a couple of great friends. Thank you to all of you ladies who have listened to my incessant talk of my son! Haha, that what is so great about a board of mommies with children all your son's age...everyone does the same thing! I also would not have survived this year with out you ladies.

And that brings me to my reason for this blog post-SUPPORT! My hope is that all mommies (and daddies) get the great support that we have now and in the future. It really makes a huge difference. So, if you know someone that is having a baby (even if it's not their first) remember that even if they may seem to have it all together; they probably don't! Even an offer to bring dinner over or come sit with them during the day is a huge help and will be remembered forever!


  1. Who ever thought the girl that didn't post much would be our first Internet Connected Cave Dweller?? :D
