Monday, March 21, 2011

Questioning your choices

So, we've all been there as parent's; questioning the choices you make everyday as a parent. Today, my questions were abundant! Here's the story.

I brought Gavin in last week Monday for some skin issues. He had a few awful patches on the insides of his elbow that cracked open. The doctor saw them and said, "Eczema!". I knew that was what he was going to say, but I wanted to confirm that is what it was. So, off I went to Walgreen's to get hydro-cortizone cream and some Aveeno body wash and lotion (fragrance free, of course!). Then, Wednesday or Thursday, Gavin gets these yucky bumps all over the back of his arms, legs, and butt. Then this weekend, they spread to his back, tummy, and face. I decide to call the doctor today and try and get in to see him. Key work in that last sentence is TRY. Ugh, of course they want to try and diagnose him over the phone. So, I describe in detail (to the best of my  non medical ability) what they look like. The doctor says it sounds like a skin condition and that he doesn't need to be seen. It should go away on its own and if it's not cleared up on it's own by Monday to call back. Ok, that sounds reasonable and off to daycare we go. ( I stayed home in the morning because I figured it would be easier to get in to the doctor if I was free all day.) I get to daycare and the sitter thinks it's chicken pox! WHAT?!?!  I don't think it is; it doesn't even look like chicken pox. She keeps him and I go to work. After being at work for three hours my sitter calls and thinks he has measles. WHAT!??!? So, I call the doctor back and they can squeeze me in right now. I rush to the sitter's and then rush to the doctor's for them to tell me it is a rash related to a virus (he was sick a week or two ago with a cold); they think! I am told to make an appointment with a dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis.

I questioned every decision I made today. Should I have taken him to the doctor earlier? Should I have insisted they see us this morning?  Should I insist they see him right away at the dermatologist? Should I try and figure out a way to stay home with him, so I'm with him day to day and know for sure what is going on with him all day? And the list continues and continues. Most days, I am pretty good at not freaking out and keeping a fairly level head. I know that I can be a little bit "first time" mommy psycho, but he IS my first. As a parent you always want to make the right decision regarding your children and you constantly question your choices. I do know that at the end of the day, Gavin is happy and healthy and Chris and I are responsible for that. That makes me feel better and I have to hold onto that.

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