Friday, March 25, 2011

Sleep...what is it??

I LOVE sleep. I LOVE sleeping in. Anything related to sleep is good in my book.

I used to know what sleep was. Well, I should say I used to know what sleeping IN was. That was before I had a baby, though. They tell you, "Sleep now because you won't ever sleep again." and what a true statement that is. Once you have a baby "sleep" really takes on a new meaning. It's no longer something you look forward to or's something done out of necessity to survive the following day. Sleeping in has gone from sleeping until 10am to hoping you get to sleep until 6am!I shouldn't complain, I know. Gavin sleeps all night and is usually in bed my 7pm and I am thankful for that. It's so nice to have that time to myself  or to spend with Chris.

It's just that when 445am rolls around and I hear Gavin's little sing song voice in the monitor; I really want to put my head under the pillow and act like I can't hear him. Even though, it's the cutest little sing song voice ever....I know it won't last. See, in about 20 minutes it will turn to a whine/cry because he's not really "ready" to get up yet. Well, this morning I wasn't going to give in. I wasn't going to go in and give him a book and turn on the light and hope that he is content for a little while longer. I went in the nursery, checked his diaper, laid him down, put his blanket on him , closed the door, and took a shower. (Chris was told NOT to go in and give him anything.) I got out of the shower and he was still making a few noises. Then about 10 minutes later; he was out! Success!!! I was so proud of myself. Then I realized that we had to get him up in about 15 minutes to leave for the day!'s the small victories, right?? :)

Someday, I will know what sleep/sleeping in feels like again. I don't know when, but I look forward to the day I can put my head under the pillow and not worry that I'm a bad mom for ignoring my son's 445am wake up call because he won't be there. Then, I'm sure I will wish that he was there giving me that early wake up call. Haha!

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