....his first big owie! :( I know I couldn't go his whole life without him getting hurt, but I sure hoped it would last a little longer than 16 months!
We were outside playing on Friday after I picked him up from daycare. I was blowing bubbles and his was walking around the courtyard; when I saw him fall and heard (yes, heard) the thud. I scooped him up, saw blood pouring out of his poor little mouth and got him inside to check it out. I finally got the bleeding to stop and saw this terrible awful gash on the inside of his lip. :( Thankfully, his tooth did not go all the way through his lip. It was only on the inside. Though he does have a pretty nasty scrap on his chin. He was such a trooper and had pretty much stopped crying by the time I had stopped most of the bleeding. He only started crying again because I did not let him get his bloody hand prints everywhere. (I know...I'm so mean!) So, I called Chris and he picked is up to head to urgent care. We were lucky enough to get a great nurse that came out to see if we "needed" to bring him in to a room to be seen. She said there wasn't anything they could do because the mouth heals so fast it's not worth stitching. I will again say how wonderful he did through this whole ordeal! Mommy did well too....though I was freaking on the inside....I kept it calm so he wouldn't freak out. By Saturday afternoon he had pretty much forgotten it was there. Apparently, nothing stops him from eating or drinking. LOL! It's already healing up very nicely. :)
On a wonderful, non-Gavin side note; Chris threw me a wonderful surprise bday party! It was so much fun and I couldn't believe he pulled it off without me finding out! Good job, Chris. :) Family and friends was a great way to celebrate the day. Big thanks to everyone that helped him out and came to share the day with us. A big thanks to the King's for making the drive down here with the kiddos. It was great to see you.
I'll leave you with an adorable pic of my little man from Memorial Day.
Awe poor Gavin. Good Job mommy for taking such good care of him! I'm soooo happy you had a wonderful birthday! Good job Chris :)