Sunday, August 28, 2011

Growing fast...19 months and counting!

Tomorrow marks Gavin's 19th month! I know I say it all the time, but man, does the time go fast. I feel like his first year went by quickly, but this second year is flying by! We went for his 18 month check up on Friday (we were a little late with it) and he's growing right on target with his growth curve. He was 29 lbs 12 oz (clothes on) and 34 1/2 inches tall, and of course his head measured big! LOL

The weather has been so nice and Gavin loves to be outside, so we have been trying to by as busy as possible. Saturday, Chris got up with Gavin and let me sleep in. Then, it was off to a massage and facial at The Woodhouse Day Spa and it was awesome! The massage was nice, but the facial we beyond amazing! I think if I get to do it again; it will be a facial and a pedicure. While I was off relaxing, Chris and Gavin had another Daddy/Gavin Saturday morning. They dropped stuff off at Goodwill, went to the credit union (where Gavin refused an ice cream cone..what?), and went to a park near the house that has a little beach and lake. They played in the sand and Gavin even waded waist deep into the water! If any of you know Gavin; you know he is NOT a fan of the water. So, imagine Daddy's surprise when he kept going further and further without complaint. This gives us hope that he'll like the water eventually. They came home, cleaned up, had lunch, and Gavin napped. He was so tired he passed out while eating his lunch. After nap we packed up and headed to the park. We are very fortunate to have some amazing parks in our city. We headed to the grocery store to get some ingredients for Chicken Taco Chili, courtesy of Brittany at This Everyday Love. Then home, dinner, milk, teeth, a story and bedtime! It was quite the day.

And as if Saturday wasn't enough, Sunday was just as busy. It was my morning to get up with Gavin and he was ready to go at 6am this morning! How do I know, you ask? Well, that would be because he was yelling Mommy, Mommy, Mommy at the top of his lungs this morning! was super cute, even if it was the butt crack of dawn. Daddy got up, I put all the stuff together in the crock pot for dinner and we headed to the zoo. Now, I won't tell you about the major tantrums he through while in his torture device stroller! I will tell about how cute he was when he was saying Hi to everyone that passed by. Or how cute he was when he saw the penguins and yelled out their name (we love the Penguins of Madagascar in this house). I could tell you about how cute he was when we saw the chickens and he told us they were chickens and that they say "boc, boc, boc. :)

He is just getting so smart and picking up everything around him. I can't imagine how much more he will learn in the upcoming months, but I look forward to finding out. 

Here's a couple of pics from the park:

I hope you all have a great week. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Some weekend fun

We had a nice relaxing weekend, after a completely crazy week of sickness. :( Gavin did not shake his first ear infection and we had to get new meds. So, he was cooped up in the house for a few days and he was going a bit stir crazy. (so was I for that matter!)
So, we headed to a park on Saturday afternoon with Auntie Jen. Here are a few pics from there.

He had a ton of fun on the slides and was fascinated with all the other people at the park. He's a people watcher, just like his mommy. :)

I hope everyone haves a good week.