Sunday, August 28, 2011

Growing fast...19 months and counting!

Tomorrow marks Gavin's 19th month! I know I say it all the time, but man, does the time go fast. I feel like his first year went by quickly, but this second year is flying by! We went for his 18 month check up on Friday (we were a little late with it) and he's growing right on target with his growth curve. He was 29 lbs 12 oz (clothes on) and 34 1/2 inches tall, and of course his head measured big! LOL

The weather has been so nice and Gavin loves to be outside, so we have been trying to by as busy as possible. Saturday, Chris got up with Gavin and let me sleep in. Then, it was off to a massage and facial at The Woodhouse Day Spa and it was awesome! The massage was nice, but the facial we beyond amazing! I think if I get to do it again; it will be a facial and a pedicure. While I was off relaxing, Chris and Gavin had another Daddy/Gavin Saturday morning. They dropped stuff off at Goodwill, went to the credit union (where Gavin refused an ice cream cone..what?), and went to a park near the house that has a little beach and lake. They played in the sand and Gavin even waded waist deep into the water! If any of you know Gavin; you know he is NOT a fan of the water. So, imagine Daddy's surprise when he kept going further and further without complaint. This gives us hope that he'll like the water eventually. They came home, cleaned up, had lunch, and Gavin napped. He was so tired he passed out while eating his lunch. After nap we packed up and headed to the park. We are very fortunate to have some amazing parks in our city. We headed to the grocery store to get some ingredients for Chicken Taco Chili, courtesy of Brittany at This Everyday Love. Then home, dinner, milk, teeth, a story and bedtime! It was quite the day.

And as if Saturday wasn't enough, Sunday was just as busy. It was my morning to get up with Gavin and he was ready to go at 6am this morning! How do I know, you ask? Well, that would be because he was yelling Mommy, Mommy, Mommy at the top of his lungs this morning! was super cute, even if it was the butt crack of dawn. Daddy got up, I put all the stuff together in the crock pot for dinner and we headed to the zoo. Now, I won't tell you about the major tantrums he through while in his torture device stroller! I will tell about how cute he was when he was saying Hi to everyone that passed by. Or how cute he was when he saw the penguins and yelled out their name (we love the Penguins of Madagascar in this house). I could tell you about how cute he was when we saw the chickens and he told us they were chickens and that they say "boc, boc, boc. :)

He is just getting so smart and picking up everything around him. I can't imagine how much more he will learn in the upcoming months, but I look forward to finding out. 

Here's a couple of pics from the park:

I hope you all have a great week. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Some weekend fun

We had a nice relaxing weekend, after a completely crazy week of sickness. :( Gavin did not shake his first ear infection and we had to get new meds. So, he was cooped up in the house for a few days and he was going a bit stir crazy. (so was I for that matter!)
So, we headed to a park on Saturday afternoon with Auntie Jen. Here are a few pics from there.

He had a ton of fun on the slides and was fascinated with all the other people at the park. He's a people watcher, just like his mommy. :)

I hope everyone haves a good week.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Daddy and Gavin Saturdays

So, as most of you that know me are aware; my husband coaches baseball. He is busy, busy ALL summer long and most of spring, too. So, it's been a crazy summer with many nights and a few weekends without Daddy around to help entertain Gavin. BUT, it was all over on Thursday.....well...most of it at least.

 See, Chris loves being a daddy...I mean he LOVES it! I always knew he would be a great dad and  he is. As frustrated as I get that he's gone a lot of the summer; I know that he misses Gavin while he's gone. This weekend, Chris started a tradition with Gavin that I know he hopes will last a long time....Daddy/Gavin Saturdays!

This morning I got to sleep into whenever I wanted! When I woke up at 830am (yep, after having a kid that likes to get up at 6am..that is sleeping in) and came downstairs; Chris went up to take a shower and I fed Gavin some breakfast. Then, Chris came down and took Gavin out and left me at home to my own devices. They went to the farmers market where Gavin ate a cucumber, then went to Walgreen's, and then went and hung out with Pepa! What was one to do with all that alone and shop, of course. I read first, took a shower, and then did a little shopping. When I got home, Gavin was napping and he stayed that way for 2 1/2 hours!!!! AWESOME!!! Then, tonight I got to go to a movie and Chris took care of Gavin's night time routine.

I am very thankful for such a loving hubby. It's so cute to see the two of them together. Gavin's in a bit of a mommy only phase, so I think today was really great for them. :) I anticipate many more Gavin/Daddy Saturdays and am excited to hear all that they bring.

 For now, I'll leave you with the most recent pic of my two favorite guys. :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pink eye and Colds :(

So, starting a new daycare is awesome. We love it, Gavin loves it, and the teachers love him. I mean, how could they not, right? Now, the downfall of starting a new daycare.....germs! :( Germs that are new to our little man; ones he hasn't built up a resistance to. They have had a few cases of pink eye around the daycare center since we started going there and I was so worried that Gavin would get it. BUT, I didn't need to worry about that because.....I got pink eye! Yes, that's right...I got it, not him. Which of course is good because we don't him to have it. But, not good because it SUCKS big time!! I seriously would not wish pink eye on my worst enemy. It's watery, gooey, itchy, and just plain sucks! Then, of course, Chris got it. UGH! And though, he didn't get pink eye; Gavin did get a nasty cold virus.

Gavin has had a fever and runny nose off and on the last few weeks. Thursday night his nose started running and he started coughing. It's been a pretty rough couple of days, but I have gotten some good cuddles out of it. Gavin is really only a cuddlier when he's sick. It's the sure fire way to tell he's sick. I am hoping that he starts building up a resistance to the new germs at daycare soon. It's summer....not the time you want your little one to be sick. They should be out enjoying the weather while they can! Going to the park, playing outside with the water table, blowing bubbles, etc.

Here's to a healthy household soon.

His favorite activity....opening/shutting doors! :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! (I know it's a week late, but it's been a little crazy around here.)

We had such a crazy 4th of July weekend! We went to my parents for the weekend and it was jam packed with fun. Saturday I went to look at wedding dresses with Lindsay (my brother's fiance) and we found some really great ones. She is going to make one beautiful bride! :) Then, Saturday night my mom watched Gavin so Chris and I could go to Summerfest with Josh and Lindsay to see Maroon 5! They were great! It was crowded, but they sounded awesome.

Sunday we decided to go down by Lake Michigan/downtown Racine to see if we could get Gavin to play in the splash pad. So, we packed a lunch, packed up the car and headed down there with my mom, dad, Chris, me, Gavin, Lindsay, and Josh! It was a lot of fun. Of course, Gavin doesn't love the water (and it was cold) but he did okay. He still had fun running OUT of the splash pad. LOL

Daddy and Gavin enjoying the splash pad

As you can see, he enjoyed running away from the splash pad! 

Then we enjoyed some ice cream..Blue Moon of course. 

And Grandma bought us a new lunch box. :)

Monday, we went to the parade in Racine and it was HOT! Thanks to Lindsay and Josh, we had some great seats! Gavin wasn't quite sure about it at first, but once he realized things were going by on the street he decided it wasn't so bad. He did so good. We were there for a couple hours and he didn't cry once! We went back to my mom's to cool off and take a nap. Then, it was off to Josh and Lindsay's for a BBQ. They did a great job and the food was awesome! I can't believe Josh is old enough to be living in a house and throwing a BBQ with his fiance! Yikes, when did that happen?

Sitting with Uncle Josh at the parade

Making a funny face while eating snacks

Family photo

And...the perfect end to a busy, but great weekend! 

We had an awesome weekend! I hope to make the parade and BBQ a 4th of July tradition! :) 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our new adventures in daycare

Our new adventure in daycare starts tomorrow! I am so excited for him, but so nervous at the same time. We were so lucky to find our last daycare and Gavin loved it there. But, it was time we parted ways. Gavin is so, hmmmmmm, what is the word I'm looking for? Inquisitive? Full of life? Crazy? (no, not crazy!) We just decided that he needed a little more stimulation and more clear cut leaning environment with kids his own age. It was not an easy decision, but it was the right one. I really think he is going to love it, once he gets used to it that is! 

See, he was in an in home daycare before and now will be in a daycare center. Where he used to sleep in a room all his own, in a pack and play; he will now sleep in a room with 7 other toddlers and on a nap mat! Yikes!   So, I am most nervous about his naps, though everyone assures me that he will adapt to the new routine. I am nervous about his eating and how "I" know that you can't give him an entire bowl of food because it will all go in his mouth at once, but maybe they don't know. And there about a dozen other silly things that I'm sure won't even be a big deal. 

I am excited about so many things, though! I think he is going to grow by leaps and bounds at the daycare center! They do so many things and I can't wait to see all the new things he'll learn from the teachers and the other kiddos. :) He's at such a "interesting" stage right now. So frustrating one minute and so sweet the next. Tonight, he was yelling Mommy while Chris was getting him ready for bed and I was downstairs getting his cup and it just melted my heart! It made me forget that he was being a testy little punk early in the day! Ha ha! 

I will leave you with a great pic from today. 

Mommy, these rocks taste yummy! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oh, what fun water is!

So, I have been severely lacking in the updates department and I'm sorry for that. I always think that I'll make a new post and then I read or watch something on TV or something else.

Gavin is getting big. He'll be 17 months in a week and I can't believe how fast the time is going by. He is constantly repeating everything you say (I need to watch the language..I'm so bad!) and copying everything you do. He will point to all his body parts when you ask him ...well at least for Daddy he does it. He will tell you what sounds certain animals make..well at least for Daddy he does it. Are you seeing a pattern here?? I would be annoyed that he doesn't do it for me, but I'm not. It's so darn cute that he does it for Daddy that I don't care. (Well, maybe a little. ;))

I don't know if anyone remembers my Florida post about how Gavin hated the water, beach, sand, ocean, etc, etc? Well, we didn't get him a pool because of that, but I thought he might like a water table. I mean, he likes the bath, so it was worth a shot, right? Well, I put it together, but it was raining off and on all week, so I didn't put it out yet. Well, I needed to distract him tonight so I could make some dinner. I filled it up a little bit ad he really liked it! I think he'll love it when we get it outside and he has a few more toys to play with in it. I am so happy we found something water related that he likes.

This is kind of cool...water everywhere! 
 Hmm..these animals look like friends..I'll splash them. :)
Ok, Mommy, this is not working anymore...I'm sleepy. :(

A word of caution: Do not let you child play with a water table on hardwood floor with no towel underneath...they will slip and fall and you will feel terrible! :( He's okay..just a bump on his head. 

He was a bit of a whiner tonight (we have an eye tooth making it's way in) and I got a great fake crying look picture that I will leave you with. It made me laugh! :) 

This is my crying face...I am SO you believe me? 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It was bound to happen.......

....his first big owie! :( I know I couldn't go his whole life without him getting hurt, but I sure hoped it would last a little longer than 16 months!

We were outside playing on Friday after I picked him up from daycare. I was blowing bubbles and his was walking around the courtyard; when I saw him fall and heard (yes, heard) the thud. I scooped him up, saw blood pouring out of his poor little mouth and got him inside to check it out. I finally got the bleeding to stop and saw this terrible awful gash on the inside of his lip. :( Thankfully, his tooth did not go all the way through his lip. It was only on the inside. Though he does have a pretty nasty scrap on his chin. He was such a trooper and had pretty much stopped crying by the time I had stopped most of the bleeding. He only started crying again because I did not let him get his bloody hand prints everywhere. (I know...I'm so mean!) So, I called Chris and he picked is up to head to urgent care. We were lucky enough to get a great nurse that came out to see if we "needed" to bring him in to a room to be seen. She said there wasn't anything they could do because the mouth heals so fast it's not worth stitching. I will again say how wonderful he did through this whole ordeal! Mommy did well too....though I was freaking on the inside....I kept it calm so he wouldn't freak out. By Saturday afternoon he had pretty much forgotten it was there. Apparently, nothing stops him from eating or drinking. LOL! It's already healing up very nicely. :)

On a wonderful, non-Gavin side note; Chris threw me a wonderful surprise bday party! It was so much fun and I couldn't believe he pulled it off without me finding out! Good job, Chris. :) Family and friends was a great way to celebrate the day. Big thanks to everyone that helped him out and came to share the day with us. A big thanks to the King's for making the drive down here with the kiddos. It was great to see you.

I'll leave you with an adorable pic of my little man from Memorial Day.


Monday, May 23, 2011

The "Uh-oh's" and "No-no's"

Gavin is a talker. I know, I know....everyone that knows me well is shocked by this statement, right? ;) He just babbles all day in his own language, which of course, I am expected to know. He knows how to say quite a few words (ball, shoe, eat, sock to name a few) and he understands even more. His favorite lately have been "uh-oh" and "no, no, no"! So cute...he drops something, looks at it, exclaims "uh-oh" and then picks it up to do it all over again. Not so cute..."no, no, no" all while shaking his head no, while doing something he knows he's not supposed to! (Of course it's cute, but we try not to let it soften us!)

In the morning, when Daddy  goes in to wake him up or get him, Gavin ask for "mama". Hehe...I secretly like that! When Daddy comes home from work, Gavin will exclaim, "Daddy"! (well, it doesn't sound exactly like that, but you know what I mean.) And boy, oh boy, when he wants to out! He will exclaim "eat, eat, eat" over and over until you feed him.

We spent the weekend at my parents house and he learned a few words there as well. Like, "down" because we were constantly telling my parents dog to get down and Gavin joined right in. He even had a little stern look on his face! He also started saying "woof, woof" when Bernie (my parent's dog) would bark. He hasn't repeated to many animal sounds yet, so I thought it was pretty darn cute. And I asked him to bring his car to his Uncle Josh who was across the room and I was shocked when he did just that! (Of course, I did ask him a couple of times.)

He's growing bigger and more independent everyday and I just want to slow down time.

And I'll leave you with a picture from today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


In just a short 13 hours we will be on a plane to Florida! We are off to visit my Grandpa and Liz in sunny (hopefully) Naples, Florida. It will be the first time they get to meet Gavin. We have skyped a bunch over the past 15 months, but now Gavin gets to meet them.

We don't know what the plans are, but I am sure it will be great fun. I know, for sure, that I can't wait to take Gavin to the beach! I think he'll love it! Heck, I'll love it...after all this dreary weather here. I promise to take a lot of pictures and let everyone know how it goes when we get back. Wish us luck on the plane ride!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

What a great weekend! Well, Gavin was a bit of a challenge on Saturday, but he made up for it by being awesome on Sunday! :)

Saturday we had Easter dinner at my house and I cooked the whole dinner. I know, I know everyone is shocked....but it's true. Now, the last time I had a holiday dinner at my house I had a mini panic attack (for real...chest pains and all!). But, I have decided Easter dinner is easy compared to Thanksgiving dinner (the holiday I had the above mentioned panic attack). We had ham, cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn, carrots, buns, and a couple of very yummy deserts made by my future SIL. was all very good. Gavin of course, decided that he didn't want to eat at all! He did have fun playing with his Uncle Josh and Auntie Lindsay before dinner. Then, he hung out with his Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Evan after dinner. It was a good day. Here are a few pics:

Grandpa and Gavin reading
 Uncle Evan and Gavin...and yes it's really Evan! LOL
 Auntie Lindsay and Gavin
 Uncle Josh and fav pic of the day! :)

Then, Sunday it was off to my in-laws for dinner. It was a lot of fun. Gavin spent most of the time outside with Pepa and he loved it! He played with a truck, rode his bike, and played with bubbles. Here are a few pics....

Riding the new bike Grandma Julie got him for Xmas
 Pushing his truck around...not with his eyes closed..I promise
 Hanging out with Pepa
 Big smiles...he loves to be outside!

And that sums up our weekend. Hopefully, next year we'll do an egg hunt. Hope everyone had a great Easter.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two weeks and off we go........... Florida!!!! YAY! Exactly 2 weeks from today we will be in warm, sunny Florida and I can't wait. We are going to visit my Grandpa and Liz in Naples. It will be the first time they get to see Gavin in person; though we have been skyping since Gavin was born. And the even more exciting part is that it will just be us and them. :) Usuallly we share them with the whole family, but it's just us this time and I'm excited for that.

Now for the scary part, flying with a toddler!!! I know, I are all thinking I have lost my mind (at least that's what Chris thinks). I am trying to not freak out about how I will get my crazy, all over the place toddler to sit still on a 2 hour flight. Any tips?? Leave me a comment; it will be greatly appreciated.

At least we got a little taste of the awesome weather we hope to have in FL. This past weekend was gorgeous and we took full advantage! On Saturday, we had Josh (my brother) and Lindsay (his fiance) over for the day. Lindsay and I went dress shopping!! was so fun and she is going to look beautiful in whatever she chooses. Then, we came back and grilled out. Mmmm...ribs on a stick! Yum. Uncle Josh and Auntie Lindsay kept Gavin well distracted outside while we prepared dinner.

Then, on Sunday we went to the zoo with a good friend of mine and her son. I don't have any pics, but we had a great time! It was a beautiful day and I'm glad we took advantage of it. Then the beginning of the week was much of them same...he played outside at daycare and we tried to get outside when I got home from work. I think  it's going to be a great spring/summer when the warm weather finally decides to stick around Wisconsin. I can't wait to do all kinds of fun things with Gavin and I don't even love to be outside. The look he gets on his face when we go outside in the mornings when the breeze hits his face is priceless. One day I'll have to catch it on camera.

I'll leave you with this one instead...SO BIG! LOL!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We have a walker...well, almost! ;)

Gavin has been getting more brave by the day with his walking. I told Chris two weekends ago that he was close to being a walker and I was right. Just in the last few days he has started walking back and forth between people and objects. He gets so excited to when he is walking; almost like he's proud of himself. We, as parents, couldn't be more proud of him. Of course, we know that life will never be the same around here once he's full on walking, but we are excited for the change.

He's also become quite the chatterbox! I know, I know you are all shocked by this....I mean where on earth could he possibly have gotten that from. Haha! Chris drops him off at daycare in the morning and they have "conversations" in the car on the way there. He talked all through dinner tonight.We weren't sure what he was saying, but he was very excited about it.

He is learning so much so fast. I just want to stop time and capture every little thing, but I know that isn't possible. All I can do is try and capture every moment I can on film and in pictures and cherish every little thing when it happens.

I will leave you all with a little video of his new skills.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sleep...what is it??

I LOVE sleep. I LOVE sleeping in. Anything related to sleep is good in my book.

I used to know what sleep was. Well, I should say I used to know what sleeping IN was. That was before I had a baby, though. They tell you, "Sleep now because you won't ever sleep again." and what a true statement that is. Once you have a baby "sleep" really takes on a new meaning. It's no longer something you look forward to or's something done out of necessity to survive the following day. Sleeping in has gone from sleeping until 10am to hoping you get to sleep until 6am!I shouldn't complain, I know. Gavin sleeps all night and is usually in bed my 7pm and I am thankful for that. It's so nice to have that time to myself  or to spend with Chris.

It's just that when 445am rolls around and I hear Gavin's little sing song voice in the monitor; I really want to put my head under the pillow and act like I can't hear him. Even though, it's the cutest little sing song voice ever....I know it won't last. See, in about 20 minutes it will turn to a whine/cry because he's not really "ready" to get up yet. Well, this morning I wasn't going to give in. I wasn't going to go in and give him a book and turn on the light and hope that he is content for a little while longer. I went in the nursery, checked his diaper, laid him down, put his blanket on him , closed the door, and took a shower. (Chris was told NOT to go in and give him anything.) I got out of the shower and he was still making a few noises. Then about 10 minutes later; he was out! Success!!! I was so proud of myself. Then I realized that we had to get him up in about 15 minutes to leave for the day!'s the small victories, right?? :)

Someday, I will know what sleep/sleeping in feels like again. I don't know when, but I look forward to the day I can put my head under the pillow and not worry that I'm a bad mom for ignoring my son's 445am wake up call because he won't be there. Then, I'm sure I will wish that he was there giving me that early wake up call. Haha!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Support System

One thing Chris, Gavin, and I never have to worry about is support! We get a ton of it from family AND friends. We knew when we were trying to get pregnant with Gavin was that our family and friends would be there for us. Not just for the physical help, but emotionally as well. Having a baby changes your life and that first year is one big roller coaster ride. We wouldn't have survived without all our friends and family and for that I say, "Thank you". We love you!

I also want to thank another support system that I have relied on heavily that past year. That is my online January 2010 mommies! I was a newly pregnant lady and of course joined a ton of websites for free stuff and any advice I could find. LOL I stumbled onto the What to Expect When Expecting website and the January 2010 birth forum. I really just read others posts and didn't participate much. Then after Gavin was born I posted a few times; mostly out of frustration from Gavin's lack of napping! Then, the ladies left to start their own forum and I followed. I become much more active and have made some great connections and a couple of great friends. Thank you to all of you ladies who have listened to my incessant talk of my son! Haha, that what is so great about a board of mommies with children all your son's age...everyone does the same thing! I also would not have survived this year with out you ladies.

And that brings me to my reason for this blog post-SUPPORT! My hope is that all mommies (and daddies) get the great support that we have now and in the future. It really makes a huge difference. So, if you know someone that is having a baby (even if it's not their first) remember that even if they may seem to have it all together; they probably don't! Even an offer to bring dinner over or come sit with them during the day is a huge help and will be remembered forever!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Questioning your choices

So, we've all been there as parent's; questioning the choices you make everyday as a parent. Today, my questions were abundant! Here's the story.

I brought Gavin in last week Monday for some skin issues. He had a few awful patches on the insides of his elbow that cracked open. The doctor saw them and said, "Eczema!". I knew that was what he was going to say, but I wanted to confirm that is what it was. So, off I went to Walgreen's to get hydro-cortizone cream and some Aveeno body wash and lotion (fragrance free, of course!). Then, Wednesday or Thursday, Gavin gets these yucky bumps all over the back of his arms, legs, and butt. Then this weekend, they spread to his back, tummy, and face. I decide to call the doctor today and try and get in to see him. Key work in that last sentence is TRY. Ugh, of course they want to try and diagnose him over the phone. So, I describe in detail (to the best of my  non medical ability) what they look like. The doctor says it sounds like a skin condition and that he doesn't need to be seen. It should go away on its own and if it's not cleared up on it's own by Monday to call back. Ok, that sounds reasonable and off to daycare we go. ( I stayed home in the morning because I figured it would be easier to get in to the doctor if I was free all day.) I get to daycare and the sitter thinks it's chicken pox! WHAT?!?!  I don't think it is; it doesn't even look like chicken pox. She keeps him and I go to work. After being at work for three hours my sitter calls and thinks he has measles. WHAT!??!? So, I call the doctor back and they can squeeze me in right now. I rush to the sitter's and then rush to the doctor's for them to tell me it is a rash related to a virus (he was sick a week or two ago with a cold); they think! I am told to make an appointment with a dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis.

I questioned every decision I made today. Should I have taken him to the doctor earlier? Should I have insisted they see us this morning?  Should I insist they see him right away at the dermatologist? Should I try and figure out a way to stay home with him, so I'm with him day to day and know for sure what is going on with him all day? And the list continues and continues. Most days, I am pretty good at not freaking out and keeping a fairly level head. I know that I can be a little bit "first time" mommy psycho, but he IS my first. As a parent you always want to make the right decision regarding your children and you constantly question your choices. I do know that at the end of the day, Gavin is happy and healthy and Chris and I are responsible for that. That makes me feel better and I have to hold onto that.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nights with G-Baby

So, I work full time and I miss Gavin like crazy when I'm working. I try and make the most of our time when I pick him up from daycare. Although, some days he makes it SO hard to do that. On a "bad" day, I struggle with those few precious hours we have before bedtime. "Gavin, don't touch the TV box, Gavin don't climb the stairs, Gavin don't throw your food on the kitchen floor, etc." Every little thing is a battle. I swear, someone should have told me that terrible twos start in their first year!

BUT, then there are nights like tonight. He's smiles, laughs, giggles, eats well, and in general is in a happy go lucky mood. He gives hugs and kisses. He "runs" from me when I chase him. He greets Daddy at the door with big smiles! All around it is pretty darn awesome. I love these nights. I cherish every little thing about them.

Here are a few highlights from tonight. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Gavin hopes everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day!

Time goes by so fast

Time has flown by! Gavin's first year has come and gone. I honestly don't know where that year went. Some days I feel like we just brought him home! Other days, I feel like I've been a mom forever!! :)

He's mastered cralwing and stair climbing and has moved on to standing and walking. We are quite to the walking part yet, but I don't think we are far away from it. Here he is showing off his master standing skills while playing with his blocks. He's a multi-tasker.

He's also chatting up a storm, though I am sure anyone that knows me is not surprised by this. His favorite words right now are "shoe" and "sock". I'm not sure how come he loves them so much, but not only does he say them very well; he also trys to put on his shoes and socks. (And don't worry...he also trys to take them off all the time!) Gavin even helps us undress him. He will gladly pull off his shirt if you help him get his arms out!

We can't wait for the warmer weather because Gavin loves to be outside. What can I say, he's definetly a Herek! Grandma Julie bought him an awesome ride on bike for Christmas and if this nice weather holds through the weekend; we'll be trying it out on Saturday or Sunday. If we do, pictures will follow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A brand new day, a brand new blog

I have attempted this once and am going to attempt it again. I would like to have some record of our days with Gavin, or G-Baby. Gavin was born on January 29, 2010 at 3:07pm; weighing in at a whopping 9lbs 3 oz and measuring a whopping 22 1/2 inches long! Everyone was there to celebrate his coming into this world: Grandma and Grandpa Chacon, Mema and Pepa, Josh and Lindsay, Zach, and of course, Auntie Jen. Nana was sick and couldn't make it and Auntie Meghan and Brent were out of town and couldn't me here, but they were all was anxious to meet him too. After spending 5 days in the hospital, we headed home to start our crazy journey of parenthood. It has had it's ups and downs, but it has been so worth it. We are very lucky to have Gavin and could not have asked for a greater gift than him. I am going to try very hard to update this as often as I can. Gavin is doing so many wonderful things and I want to share it with all our friends and family that don't get to see it every day.